Diversity & Inclusion in Life Sciences Community

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  • DEI in Life Sciences Community Monthly Meetings

    As we manage the executive orders that affect clinical research - limiting NIH funding, deleting anything related to inclusiveness from NIH, CDC, and FDA -  we need to talk. We need to strategize our next steps. Please join the community at its monthly meeting this Tuesday, February 11, 11am EST. at this Zoom link:

    https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89239914246?pwd=aWpFOHZmL0FmK3UzN2pLaElDTThZUT09 passcode: 614813

  • Monthly Meeting

    Every 2nd Tuesday of the month we meet via Zoom. at 11am EST The logistics are:

    https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89239914246?pwd=aWpFOHZmL0FmK3UzN2pLaElDTThZUT09 passcode: 614813
